Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Bear Meat: An Unusual Delicacy

Bear meat seems an unusual delicacy, considering the ferocity of the animal. That unbridled fury is one of the reasons why North American hunters would often pray to the animal spirit before taking a bear’s life. The bear was such an esteemed creature that it was common for people to carry out detailed rituals like this one before consuming bear meat. Was it out of necessity, for taste of the meat, or was something else at play?

Ancient hunters considered the bear as something of a hybrid human. Some tribes even revered the animal as godlike, straddling the line between animal and human. The ancient Greeks ate both bear and lion, although they claim that bear tasted worse than lion and required different preparations to make the meat palatable.

Bear claws are considered a delicacy in China. China’s other delicacies include birds nest and shark’s fin, all of which are considered foods that strengthen the body. The Chinese serve bear claws at expensive feasts, a tradition that stemmed from an observation. Bears once roamed China in great numbers, but restrictions on the serving of bear’s paw has forced the meat into relative obscurity, served only in historically significant situations.

There is evidence that bear was hunted throughout Anglo-Saxon England, but little evidence that bear meat was consumed by anyone other than the Norse and Icelandic peoples. The Polish had a similar practice, except they ate bear paws and bacon from bears. The fur was also highly valued, but the rest of the animal was left in the forest where it was killed.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Chicory Coffee Versus Regular Coffee

The chicory plant is a perennial with a few interesting traits. For one, the purple and blue flowers open and close at precisely the same time each day. Its leaves are used commonly in food, and the whole plant is used in North America and Europe, even though it is indigenous to North Africa and Western Asia. The Egyptians are said to have used chicory first, and the plant was grown by medieval monks throughout the 1700s.

The plant’s root is often roasted to create a substitute for coffee, a tradition that was popular in the early 1800s.

The cowboys of the old west used chicory when coffee wasn’t available, which was more common than you might think. It’s speculated that chicory came from the French influenced part of New Orleans. The region was also known for its affinity of coffee during the 1800s, and it’s likely that the blocking of the harbor in 1840 forced New Orleanians to seek out substitutes for their favorite drink. 

Chicory looks a lot like coffee when it has been roasted and ground. The scent is a bit different, more of a smoky-tobacco than a rich coffee, but you can use almost the same amount of chicory as coffee to brew a cup. The taste is also unmistakable, with a strong nuttiness to it that combines with a long after taste. Chicory was also helpful in extending one’s supply of coffee, helping to turn a daily habit affordable for families that had little discretionary income. Today, chicory still appears in CafĂ© Du Monde coffee, a New Orleans brand that traces its roots back to 1862.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Celebrity Comfort Foods

Have you ever wondered what your favorite celebrities indulge on in their off time? The answers might surprise you, especially if you’ve ever wondered how some of these people stay so fit. 

Scarlett Johansson

The star loves snacking on Buffalo wings, but no word on whether she prefers boneless or not.

Kate Bosworth

Maybe it is true that no one makes food like your grandmother. Certainly no one makes it like Kate Bosworth’s, because her favorite food is grandma’s spaghetti Bolognese.

Miranda Kerr

According to Kerr, her favorite food in the entire world is fried chicken. She loves it so much that she makes it herself.

Mariah Carey

Imagine having a favorite food you’re not allowed to eat.  Ever. That’s the life of Mariah Carey, whose favorite food probably ranks at the bottom of the healthy diet. But if she ever got the chance, she would inhale a slice of pizza.

Britney Spears

The pop singer has had some ups and downs in her career, but her favorite food has remained consistent. Chocolate anything is Spears’ favorite food, but she has specific cravings at specific times. Hungry in the states, Spears reaches for Snickers, but she is a huge fan of Twix and Hershey’s too.

Lea Michele

The Glee star recently converted to veganism, and found the desserts to be exquisite. A self-styled cheese lover, she admits the transition to vegan was difficult at first. She even ditched coffee in favor of her new obsession: Smart Water.